Tips for creating a problem report

Help your support group help you by including:

  • Screen captures to provide context (see approaches at ).
    • Hint: Drag the top message box to maximize what shows.
  • Specific description of the problem or request, for example:
    • Which printer isn’t working
    • What operation in what software module doesn’t work
    • The exact Error Codes/Messages shown. When possible, also copy error messages as text and paste into your report as it speeds up searching knowledge bases.
    • System being used (your system, Terminal server, home system, another user’s PC, etc.)
    • If a web problem, what browser are you using?
  • When the problem started
    • Did anything change just before the problem started (e.g. new release of ??)?
  • The scope of problem:
    • Frequency (e.g. every time, 1 out of 3 times, etc.)
    • Share anything you know about other users and this problem:
      • Anyone else you know having this problem.
      • Anyone else you know not having this problem.
      • or simply say: Don’t know if anyone else is having this problem.
  • The urgency of the problem.

Providing the above detail will help solve your problem faster.

Please e-mail any comments and/or suggestions to

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